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For centuries, New Mexico has been a mecca where many and varied cultures have lived side by side, sharing and celebrating their cultural differences. The result — a lush, refreshing texture of styles and designs on the joyful business of living. In recent history, that has included surviving a global pandemic. So who are we now?  What aspects of self do we take with us as we move forward and what do we leave behind? Whether you're cozy at home or venturing out into the world again, we're inviting you to visit us inside the museums and historic sites of New Mexico. This season, we're touring the museums of Santa Fe as host Charlotte Jusinski, our curators, artists, and exhibitors grapple with the question of identity.  Visit for more info.

Jun 28, 2023

Long before colonizers imposed their political ideologies upon Indigenous people, many tribes governed themselves by community consensus. Today, Native people who are citizens of federally recognized tribes are afforded a kind of dual citizenship in the US: subject to the traditional rule of their tribal government and...

Jun 21, 2023

How do you take the measure of a man, especially one as reticent about his history-making accomplishment as Miguel Trujillo? If you’ve never heard of Miguel or Trujillo v. Garley, the landmark 1948 case that provided Native Americans residing on tribal lands in New Mexico the right to vote, settle in for this intimate...

Jun 14, 2023

The right of every United States citizen to vote in local, state, and national elections is as American as the laws that have barred many groups from accessing the ballot box. Women, people of color, the unhoused––all have fought to claim their rightful place at the table of democracy. So, too, have...